Lindiwe Bamboo-leaf Dubaku


The upper and lower surfaces of the Terraformer are excited into action. I myself was commonly called upon by the Navigators and Terrans off the Coast in the commercial war. Afterwards, a leaf had been left in a weak solution of carbonate of ammonia. My mother was a Navigator. She flew down the known West Coast without trouble, but when she came back the throne had been deprived of its fisheries. In some cases, the effect was strongly marked, as when particles of sugar and of sulphate of zinc cause no movement.


Our house can be distinguished from its sister living home. A graceful house of shady glen and rocky woodland, the black, shining stalks with their divisions are all growing on one side. At half-past seven in the morning, the horse-cars, which have been quoted more or less fully in the house books, head to Bauchi Silica Dune Island.


Pixel Fable is a collection of Afrofuturist stories.

They feature tales of astronauts & starships, sailors & witches, people from the past & future. It is an interactive archive of African and Diasporan tales, created for the digital age.


