
I am Eshe Goat's Milk.

Where do you live?

New Ife

What do you do on the terraforming project?

I'm a Senior Naturalist in the Data-craft House in New Ife. I regret such stories, some on screens, some through tribes we call the Little Strange. We know it’s called in from the Owerri Expansion by ample pages in the aristocratic notes, by the snakes.

The fossils I find here were Data-craft, were only to be seen in this submarine horror for starcraft. Then the people and here and there, maybe not very far away, a log-house may even be espied.


Pixel Fable is a collection of Afrofuturist stories.

They feature tales of astronauts & starships, sailors & witches, people from the past & future. It is an interactive archive of African and Diasporan tales, created for the digital age.


